Eggs Do Not Carry Bad Cholesterol To The Body

Eggs Do Not Carry Bad Cholesterol To The Body
Eggs Do Not Carry Bad Cholesterol To The Body

For a long time, nutritionists advised us to be careful with the consumption of eggs. In people with heart problems, this was considered one of the foods that could worsen their condition.

However, new research by British scientists has categorically denied the notoriety of eggs. They are adamant that egg cholesterol is not harmful to the body and there is no reason to be afraid of it.

After long observations of a group of volunteers to find out whether frequent consumption of eggs raises blood cholesterol levels and leads to the development of atherosclerosis, the researchers concluded in favor of the chicken product.

Eggs and Minced Meat
Eggs and Minced Meat

It turned out that practically egg cholesterol does not affect the total concentration of cholesterol in the body. Only 1/3 of it enters the bloodstream from food, and egg cholesterol is not actually even absorbed by the blood.

Experts advise instead of limiting the consumption of eggs, to reduce to a minimum our daily menu of fatty meats and dairy products.

These two foods are the cause of bad cholesterol in the human body.
