They Give 1 G Of Gold Per Kilogram Lost In Dubai

They Give 1 G Of Gold Per Kilogram Lost In Dubai
They Give 1 G Of Gold Per Kilogram Lost In Dubai

Being overweight is a serious problem almost all over the world. In Dubai, they have come up with an interesting way to stimulate the plump to lose weight. Authorities have announced that any overweight person who manages to lose weight will be given gold.

The aim of this campaign is to encourage residents to walk more than with their cars, as most citizens are used to.

Many sports centers, green areas and pedestrian alleys have been built in Dubai, but most people continue to drive their cars.


Another reason for being overweight is fast food, which is very common.

Weight loss
Weight loss

The campaign is named after the interesting name "Your weight in gold" and lasted almost a month - from July 19 to August 16. Authorities promise that for every kilogram lost, one gram of the precious metal will be distributed. The trick is that in order to get gold, each participant must lose at least two kilograms of their weight.

Three of the participants will be announced by lot - each of them will be given a gold coin worth 5,449 dollars or 20,000 drachmas.

The rest, who have removed excess rings, will be supported by coins worth a total of 200,000 drachmas. The weight of the participants is measured at the beginning and at the end of the campaign.

Overweight is a problem not only in Dubai - survey results show that more and more young Chinese are overweight.

The study covered more than 43,000 people, and the results show that between the ages of 20 and 39, one in ten people are overweight.

Tien Ye, director of the China Institute of Sports Science, said the cause of the weight problems was most likely due to a lack of sports activities among young people.

The complete lack of any physical activity has a negative effect - most of the Chinese studied justified themselves by saying that their program is quite busy and there is no time left for sports.

Experts believe that the authorities should take measures until things get out of hand.
