12 Foods That Will Help You Survive The Flu And Cold Season

12 Foods That Will Help You Survive The Flu And Cold Season
12 Foods That Will Help You Survive The Flu And Cold Season

The second worst thing after chills when you have a cold or flu is losing your appetite.

Because colds and flu are caused by viruses, foods with antiviral properties they can speed recovery or fight these viruses in the first place.

look The 12 best foods for colds or fluthat you need to put in your shopping cart to survive this season.

1. Chicken soup

There is a reason your mother should always bring you chicken soup at the first sign of snoring. Chicken soup not only provides the fluids needed to fight viruses, but also reduces inflammation, which triggers symptoms and leads to complications.

2. Citrus fruits

Vitamin C, most commonly found in citrus fruits, is an antioxidant that can reduce the symptoms of colds. Get vitamin C from supplements or from vitamin-rich citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, nutmeg, papaya, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

3. Garlic, onion and leek

You can try this triple combination to prevent the spread of germs and help fight colds. These foods have long been revered for their ability to cleanse the body of invaders.

4. Ginger

anti-influenza foods
anti-influenza foods

Ginger contains chemicals called sesquiterpenes, which target specific rhinoviruses, the most common family of cold viruses, and cough suppressants. It also contains anti-inflammatory gingerols that can fight infection.

5. Honey

Honey is often advertised as a cure for everything from burns to cuts and abrasions. As it covers the throat, honey is a great remedy for sore throats with colds and flu. Its natural antioxidant and antimicrobial properties help fight infections from viruses, bacteria and fungi.

6. Kefir

Kefir is rich in probiotics that strengthen the immune system. With a higher protein content than yogurt and milk, it also regulates digestion, allowing the body to use all the nutrients you consume.

7. Foods rich in selenium

28 g of Brazil nuts contain much more selenium than the recommended daily value for this mineral, which helps boost immunity. The presence of enough selenium in the body increases the production of cytokines that help eliminate the flu virus.

8. Red wine

Red wine
Red wine

The resveratrol and polyphenols in red wine work in the same way as the beneficial bacteria in yogurt. When colds and flu enter the body, they begin to multiply, and these compounds prevent this from happening.

9. Mushrooms

Fungi have antiviral properties due to their high content of vitamin D. They produce cytokines, cellular proteins that help fight infections. Their polysaccharides are another class of compounds that boost immunity.

10. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrate intake while exercising helps counteract immune dysfunction and immune inflammatory reactions due to stress hormones released during strenuous exercise. These carbohydrates help your body to be strong.

11. Oily fish

The content of vitamin D in oily fish helps maintain optimal levels in the blood when the body does not convert much of the vitamin from sunlight. As a bonus, vitamin D stores can help fight some cancers, strengthen bones and support weight loss.

12. Foods rich in zinc

Due to its high zinc content, lamb is a strong contender for food that helps fight colds. It has been found that zinc consumption at the beginning of a cold reduces it by one day, and daily consumption reduces the severity of symptoms.
