The Most Important Techniques In The Preparation Of Creams

The Most Important Techniques In The Preparation Of Creams
The Most Important Techniques In The Preparation Of Creams

Gelling creams

This is the addition of gelatin to creams of various ingredients. Jelly can be of two types:

- Cold, in which the gelatin is dissolved separately, cooled slightly (but not enough to gel completely) and mixed with other products;

- Warm - gelatin is added to products that are heated briefly or boiled.

Techniques for working with gelatin:

Gelatin is extracted from boiled animal bones. Sold in 2 varieties: leaf and powder. Gelatin is poured into a little liquid - 1 tsp. gelatin in 1 tbsp. liquid. Leave for 5 minutes until it absorbs the water and swells. The liquid is then heated in a water bath or low temperature and stirred until completely dissolved. In no case should it boil, because the gelling substances are destroyed at high temperatures.

The most important techniques in the preparation of creams
The most important techniques in the preparation of creams

In the preparation of creams, whipped cream or protein is added to the base mixture when the gelatin begins to harden slightly. If the cream is still very warm, the heavier gelatin will fall to the bottom. If the addition is delayed, they will not be able to connect with the other products.

Important: Raw pineapple contains the substance bromelain, which prevents gelatin from gelling. Papaya contains the enzyme papain, kiwi - actinidine, and figs - ficin. These are all substances that have a similar effect. Heat treatment denatures the enzymes and reduces their impact.

Carrageenan and agar-agar

The most important techniques in the preparation of creams
The most important techniques in the preparation of creams

These products are of plant origin (derived from algae) and have the same gelling properties as gelatin. In industry they are called tires. 2 tsp agar is used for 600 ml of liquid. Usually the agar must be boiled with some of the liquid before being added to the rest of the mixture.


This is a heat treatment below the boiling point. It is performed on a water bath. The process is about 40-50 minutes long. It is used for cooking egg creams or other egg-based desserts in the oven without denaturing the protein in them. It is so sensitive to heat that it only needs to warm up slightly to change its structure. Therefore, the water in the lower vessel should not boil.

Decorate with caramel

The most important techniques in the preparation of creams
The most important techniques in the preparation of creams

It is prepared from 4 lumps of sugar, melted in a saucepan with a little water, stirring constantly. Once a pale amber caramel is obtained, the bottom of the pot is immersed in cold water to immediately stop the caramelization process. Wait until the caramel takes on the appearance of a thick syrup.

The flat shapes are made on an inverted flat pan, lightly greased with oil so that the caramel does not stick. Using a spoon, scoop out some of it and pour it in a thin stream on the tray, thus drawing lines. The more these lines intersect, the more interesting and stable the grid will be.

A dome can be prepared in a similar way. For this purpose, one orange is cut in half. One is pushed on a fork and wrapped in aluminum foil, which is also smeared with oil. Drizzle the caramel with a spoon. The advantage is that the orange can be rotated and the streams of caramel can flow on it, intertwining in an oval shape. The orange is placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour, after which the caramel dome is carefully removed.
