How To Eat After The Flu And Cold

How To Eat After The Flu And Cold
How To Eat After The Flu And Cold

The treatment of flu conditions and colds occur with the intake of certain medications that fight fever, headache, muscle aches, cough and other characteristic symptoms.

Getting more vitamin C is also a must. However, once the illness subsides, health care should not end. Then our efforts should be focused on developing a healthy diet that will strengthen our immunity.

In this regard, after spent flu or cold it is good to eat more protein. It is recommended to get them from yogurt, kefir, mushrooms, raw nuts, experts recommend.

Meat is a good idea only if it is not greasy and is homemade. Fish is also a good choice if it is wild. Eggs are also a great source of protein, and they are most useful when they are from the household.

After illness, it is desirable to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables that are seasonal. In this case, apples, quinces, turnips, alabaster, beets are suitable for a healthy diet. Sauerkraut and garlic are also not to be ruled out, although many people avoid them for various reasons.

And drinking more fluids is very important. At least 1.5-2 liters of water should be drunk per day, and the mineral water can be alternated with table water.

If these prescriptions are combined with walks in the fresh air and an active lifestyle, you will enjoy good immunity not only after illness, but also during the rest of the year.
