Will The World Be Left Without Bananas?

Will The World Be Left Without Bananas?
Will The World Be Left Without Bananas?

Throughout its history, humanity has more than once encountered a number of mysterious diseases. Recently, another one was discovered that you can lead to the disappearance of bananas from our planet, and because of a fungus that is found in the soil, published recently by Die Welt.

The disease of the soil is called Tropical Race 4 or TR4 for short. The disease is actively spreading in both Asia and Australia. It was first opened in 2019 in South America, which is the main producer of delicious and favorite of all bananas.

The first results are already visible and this disease has led to the closure of many plantations. That's why AMI's marketing experts mention it. According to them, the most dangerous thing in this case is that the disease is not susceptible to chemical treatment and this leads to the impossibility to treat these soils in the next 30 years, namely as a consequence of fungi in the soil.

Experts add that Tropical Race 4 mainly infects the Cavendish banana variety, which is the most common and actually covers more than 90% of global exports. The danger in this case is also the easy spread of the infection, and this can happen even simply with the shoes of the farmers, who carry the infected soil with the fungus to other places.


The other factor that undoubtedly influences the easy spread of the fungus is the transfer of the same genes between plants.

An interesting fact is that the male flowers of palm plants are sterile, and only females can be pollinated. The Cavendish variety, which is also the most common in the world, is propagated asexually by shoots.

Scientists believe that this is actually the case the most endangered variety of bananas in the world because of its huge plantations. The dangerous thing in the case of these fungi is the fact that it is bananas are one of the very important foods in countries like America, Asia and especially Africa.

Given that the population of the planet is already 7 billion people, it is possible to draw the logical conclusion that today the need for food is growing and this is one of the reasons that led to the increase in banana production, FAO experts say.

The fungus TR4 is the real threat to humanity and its food, given how much food is needed today bananas in more and more countries around the world.

If you have a few more bananas, then it is good to find the right application with one of these recipes for banana pancakes or banana cake.
