In Quarantine: What Products Will We Need In 1 Month?

In Quarantine: What Products Will We Need In 1 Month?
In Quarantine: What Products Will We Need In 1 Month?

Because, like many other countries, we are facing epidemiological crisis, which could completely change our familiar situation, it would not be bad to think about who would be our most needed products, if necessary to remain quarantined because of the Coronavirus, also known as Kovid-19.

Before we give you valuable guidance what is good to get for 1 month in quarantine, we will specify that this does not mean that you have to buy the whole store, like many other people. Under no circumstances should you stock up, as you may need to throw away food.

The idea is simply to judge by the size of your family what you can buy in order not to go out for a while.

1. Packaged or bottled products that have a long shelf life

Essential products. These are flour, pastry products such as pasta, couscous, etc., rice, lentils, beans, oil, vinegar, coffee, sugar, salt and more. If you like to eat jam, you can also get chocolates and biscuits - they are also durable.

2. Frozen products

Frozen mixes help with quarantine
Frozen mixes help with quarantine

Frozen vegetable mixes are quite durable - they will provide you with a varied diet, while also providing you with vitamins. They are supposed to be quickly frozen and have hardly lost their amounts of vitamins.

3. Products that we can freeze ourselves

Of course, we will mention meat and fish here, because as long as you are not a vegetarian, you probably like to eat them as well. However, it is important, after you have left the necessary amount for the upcoming favorite recipe, to freeze the remaining meat / fish products immediately.

4. Canned foods

Canned food is mandatory in quarantine quarantine for Coronavirus
Canned food is mandatory in quarantine quarantine for Coronavirus

The variety of canned foods in stores is great, their durability as well.

5. Vegetables that do not spoil quickly

Tomatoes, cucumbers and leafy vegetables are not very durable, but you can take a bag of potatoes, onions, carrots (you can also freeze them), garlic, beets and almost any root vegetables.

6. Fruits that do not spoil quickly

Root vegetables for products that last a long time
Root vegetables for products that last a long time

Do not underestimate the fruits, because they are among the best sources of vitamins. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, apples, pears, etc. are durable.

7. Dairy products

We know that the shorter the shelf life of a dairy product, the better it is. In this case, however, you will have to stock up on those dairy products that have a longer shelf life. UHT milk is one of them.

8. Hygienic and sanitary products

Buy detergents if you will be in quarantine
Buy detergents if you will be in quarantine

You must have heard of the toilet paper craze, which has no reasonable explanation. Yes, get some paper, but don't buy all the packages you see in the store. Consider also a kitchen roll (it is multifunctional), detergents, kitchen sponges, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, etc.

9. Medicines

If you need to take specific medications (for blood, for allergies, etc.) according to a doctor's prescription, then calculate how much you will need, if you do not have to leave home for a month. Don't forget to get disinfectants, vitamins (the prevailing opinion is that in order to protect ourselves from the more severe symptoms of the coronavirus, it is good to take vitamins C and D), immunostimulants and the usual medicines that we keep in our first aid kit. Do not buy unnecessary antibiotics and large amounts of drugs - judge for your household.

10. Products related to our habits

Brandy in home quarantine
Brandy in home quarantine

Maybe now is the time to quit smoking, reduce alcohol or undergo a detox regimen. However, we are obliged to mention exactly those products that are related to human habits and addictions. Whether you stock up on such products or say goodbye to them depends on your own decision!
