Main Products For The Month Of November

Main Products For The Month Of November
Main Products For The Month Of November

In autumn and winter, the human body needs a little more strength to function normally. And for this you need proper nutrition, the diet must be measured and compiled so as to fill each cell with vitamins and nutrients.

In this article we will talk about what products should enter the menu and our diet in November, when before winter you need to have enough strength to go smoothly through the twists and turns of cold days.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a mandatory product for the month of November
Olive oil is a mandatory product for the month of November

The olive harvest in warm countries appears in November. As a rule, at this time they are already collected, and the production of olive oil is in full swing. The freshest product arrives on the shelves in November, so this oil should be in everyone's diet at this time of year.

Of particular importance for this product is the fact that olive oil contains a lot of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which protect the body from aging and the negative impact of the environment. This product will be an excellent prevention against hypertension and cancer. It is ideal in terms of diet, perfectly absorbed by the body. Olive oil should be in people's diet not only in November, but throughout the year.

When buying olive oil, you should pay attention to the producers. They can only be Italy, Greece and Spain. The rest are mostly fake. The best for the diet is the first cold pressed oil, labeled as extra virgin olive oil. The product is undeniably expensive, but of the highest quality for health. This oil has a green tinge, turbidity, bitter taste. It is extremely fragrant and incredibly useful.


Eat ginger in November to prepare for winter
Eat ginger in November to prepare for winter

The most valuable food for immunity, which you should especially emphasize in November and before winter, is ginger. This root has amazing qualities thanks to the essential oils in its composition. They give the product a bright characteristic taste and aroma. Ginger has therapeutic properties in viral diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa, osteoarthritis and arthritis, high blood pressure, as well as the formation of sclerotic plaques.

Remember that ginger is a very tasty product that should be added to yours diet in November. From it you can cook soup, jam, salad and add it to tea and pastries. Therefore, the root can be called universal, as it finds a place in almost any type of dish for your table.


Main products for the month of November
Main products for the month of November

Broccoli is perfect product for November. They have the best dietary properties. With them you can lose weight effectively. But the beginning of winter is a reason to look again at your diet and try to change the New Year's menu. Broccoli have many useful trace elements and vitamins, in particular - an incredible amount of calcium. In addition, they are believed to help fight cancer, diabetes. Include more of this product in your diet in Novemberto appreciate all its nutritional qualities and health benefits.


Main products for the month of November
Main products for the month of November

This is one of the most important vegetables to eat in November. Beets can last a long time stored properly. Thanks to it you can completely saturate your body with fiber. In addition, it is low in calories, which will help you lose weight again. The product is excellent for the walls of blood vessels with potassium and folic acid, which are in its composition. The uniqueness of beets is also in the fact that it does not lose its benefits during heat treatment, does not lose nutrients.

Cottage cheese

Main products for the month of November
Main products for the month of November

In November in the diet cottage cheese should also be included. The fact is that everyone in the period of autumn depression needs magnesium. This product contains large amounts. Additional, cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, which is also incredibly important for health. The best thing is that it supports the work of the intestines, it is great for losing weight and satisfying hunger, and it is also easily digested. It is very useful for children to eat cottage cheese as growing organisms.
