How To Eat Healthier If You Hate Vegetables

How To Eat Healthier If You Hate Vegetables
How To Eat Healthier If You Hate Vegetables

We understand that some people just don't like spinach, cabbage or other vegetables. But how can you still make healthy diet choices? if you hate vegetables?

It is easy to preach the benefits of healthy eating without keeping in mind that some people simply despise vegetables. Finding the flavors and textures you like can be a challenging endeavor, but it's possible. So, the following tips will help you start eating more vegetables.

We will continue to follow the principle that eating foods rich in antioxidants and fiber is an advantage, but with the understanding that the thought of cabbage can be unattractive, and the thought of filling half your plate with vegetables - scary if you have never kept healthy.

According to research, hatred of some vegetables it can be reduced to a specific gene that causes certain compounds to make the sense of taste more bitter. For this reason, some people find it harder to enjoy vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli. Sometimes disgust can come from childhood.

However, there may come a time when you want to start a healthy journey to lose some weight, save some money by cooking more often at home, or simply improve your overall health by adding more antioxidants. Fortunately, you are not doomed for life if green things are not your food. Here are a few tips to eat healthy if you hate vegetables:

1. Add a little vegetable to foods you already like

inclusion of vegetables in the menu
inclusion of vegetables in the menu

Your attempts at inclusion of vegetables in the menu they can be as simple as adding a slice of tomato and a bit of arugula or lettuce to your burger, replacing your fries with a baked potato, or just adding a handful of spinach and some mushrooms to your morning omelette. You can even try grating some carrots and zucchini in minced pasta sauce.

2. Try a different texture

If you have disgusting childhood memories of cooked, mushy vegetables, try frying, baking or steaming until you find the texture you can tolerate. It may take some time, but vegetables can be very different when cooked using a different technology.

3. Do not miss frozen vegetables

As a person who hates vegetables, you may be worried about buying fresh produce just because you can throw it in the trash in a week. But frozen vegetables can be a saving grace - and they don't lack nutritional value either. Store some vegetables of your choice in the freezer to add to your meals as you try to start a healthier diet.

frozen vegetables and healthy eating
frozen vegetables and healthy eating

4. Enjoy them by starting your day with them

If you know that you will not have time to prepare a meal with vegetables later in the day, try to get your nutrients first thing in the morning. Whether it's an avocado and a bit of arugula on toast, or a handful of spinach and tomato in an omelet - this is a good start.

If you like smoothies, practice enjoying a handful of greens in your favorite fruit mix. You will hardly like it, but you will take advantage of it.

5. Play with tastes

It may take time to determine what you like, but vegetables should not be tasteless. Experiment by adding various herbs and spices, olive oil, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar.
