To Cure Sore Eyes By Natural Means

To Cure Sore Eyes By Natural Means
To Cure Sore Eyes By Natural Means

In case of eye pain we should be very careful and consult a doctor. But there are also folk methods that can help us. Here are some of them:

If you suffer from conjunctivitis, make a compress with pre-ground mallow leaves. Also, eating more wheat is recommended to improve eyesight.

In conjunctivitis it is good to make decoctions: in half a liter of water put 2 tablespoons of stalks ochanka. Boil for 5 minutes, then strain. Drink 4 times a day - before meals, and the amount is 75 ml.

Finely chopped calamus roots pour a cup of hot water. We leave it covered with a towel for 2 hours. Strain and drink 3 times a day a quarter cup of tea half an hour before meals. This type of recipe improves vision.

With barley you can make a compress of chamomile.

For good eyesight, it is recommended to do eye exercises every day. One of the methods is the "concentration method". This method requires you to watch at one point for 60 seconds. It involves looking up, down and then on both sides, but without moving your head.

In case of an infected lacrimal canal, a decoction of the following herbs is made: pine needles, butterbur, St. John's wort, whip and plantain leaves. From these herbs take 50 g and mix. From this mixture take 2 tbsp. and add in 500 ml of boiling water and simmer for ten minutes. After cooling, filter and drink 75 ml three times a day before meals.

For inflamed eyes, cut the potato into very small pieces, then apply it to the temples. We keep it for an hour and remove it. After removing the compress, wash with a decoction of chamomile.
