Food Myths That People Still Believe In

Food Myths That People Still Believe In
Food Myths That People Still Believe In

Throughout our lives we come across different statements about different facts. Sometimes there is truth in some of them. Often, however, they turn out to be myths in which there is not a drop of truth. In recent years because of this bad fame gain food or whole food groups that have always been a part of people's lives.

Who hasn't heard that carbs should be turned off completely? Or that fat raises cholesterol? For the most common food myths and are they true - read the following lines.

Saturated fats increase the risk of heart disease, some believe. This false information has been propagated for more than half a century! The truth is that this can only happen if they are combined with carbohydrates.

This is also the recipe for being overweight - you can't gain weight just from fat or just carbs. However, the combination of the two can be detrimental to both your figure and your health.

In this line of thought, another popular myth concerns carbohydrates - their notoriety that they form fat makes them one of the most hated food groups. The truth is that they are useful.

myths about carbohydrates
myths about carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are part of any balanced diet. In order not to turn them into fat, you just need to be active enough. It is not the carbohydrates that are harmful, but the simple carbohydrates - these are all the purchased snacks, biscuits, chocolates, chips.

Multigrain products are not useful. This label is not equivalent to the definition of 'whole grain'. The logic is quite simple. The fact that a product contains a lot of grains does not mean that they are in their entirety. It does not mean that they are not refined, nor that they are useful.

Sugar is the enemy. This claim has been supported by dozens of documentaries in recent years. However, the explanation that sugar is a poison is not enough to condemn it. Our body actually needs sugar. It is also a major source of energy for our body.

Many people believe that eggs are the enemy of the heart. They are actually one of the superfoods - extremely rich in vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. They are one of the best foods you can give your body.

myths about eggs
myths about eggs

Myth is that you can afford up to 1 egg yolk a day. On the contrary. Your body can successfully tolerate 3 eggs a day. However, you should not overdo it - diets based solely on eggs can harm you.

The harm from microwaves is another food mythin which everyone believes. Ionizing radiation is harmful - what X-rays emit, for example. Microwave ovens use waves that cannot destroy the molecules of the products we consume.
