Diets From The East

Diets From The East
Diets From The East

The culinary traditions in the Far East are quite different from European ones, and although some people consider their food tasteless, it turns out that it is much healthier.

Check out two of the popular Eastern diets. With them you will not only lose weight, but also purify your body

Japanese fish diet

The secret of weak Japanese women is in the predominant rice, soy, fish and seafood in their menu. Japanese cuisine is one of the healthiest on the planet - in this distant country, women eat 50 times more fish, 17 times more rice, 3 times more cereals than Europeans.

According to those who have experienced the diet, it loses between 4-5 kilograms per month, without feeling exhausted.

What should you do during this diet? Eat rice. It is a great source of slow sugars and should replace bread on your menu. But it must be steamed or cooked without the addition of fat.

Eat as many fish and seafood as possible, even for breakfast. In this way you will lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and activate your intellectual abilities.

Season the dishes not with salt but with soy sauce. Soy has a proven beneficial effect in some cancers and in hereditary predisposition to heart attack or stroke. Drink 1.5 liters of mineral water a day and use it to make your tea.

Drink huge amounts of green tea. This powerful antioxidant, containing vitamins C and E, fights aging, colon cancer, heart disorders. Tea tones, breaks down fats, has a diuretic effect.

At breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat one fruit for vitamins and 100 grams of yogurt or cheese for calcium.

Indian diet without meat

For philosophical and religious reasons, most Indians are almost complete deniers of meat. There are followers all over the world - some do not eat meat and fish, but consume eggs and milk, others give up eggs and meat, others - meat and milk.

The most radical rely only on fruits and vegetables. Losing weight with an Indian vegetarian diet is relatively safe.

The principles of the Indian diet are as follows:

Eat two to three fruits every day at the beginning of each meal. In the morning, noon and evening, eat raw vegetables seasoned with yogurt, lemon or sunflower oil.

Include cooked vegetables in your menu at least twice a day, not neglecting the soup. Once a day put on the table beans, lentils, rice. Combine vegetables with skim cheese - up to 250 grams.

For tone, healthy hair and nails, take pills with brewer's yeast and seaweed, have breakfast every day with wheat germ. Eat almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts - in small quantities because they are high in calories.

100 grams of almonds give us 600 calories, but they contain magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins B1 and B2. Drink plenty of water and tea. Eat eggs 3 times a week.
