Fish Products Keep Our Eyes Healthy

Fish Products Keep Our Eyes Healthy
Fish Products Keep Our Eyes Healthy

Many of us spend all day in front of the computer in the office. When we get home, we stand in front of the monitor again to browse the Internet or watch TV until we fall asleep. Such a daily life is literally detrimental to our eyes. During prolonged work, they get tired, our eyes become blurred and blurred. The end result is that our overall radiation betrays exhaustion.

Our eyes are exhausted even when we do not spend enough time sleeping. When we go out late with friends, after a hard night of alcohol or just because of our insomnia, as a result of stress. A clear and clear view is extremely important, especially when we are at work or a business meeting.

The most convenient and easy way is to always have on hand a bottle with eye drops, which are sold at affordable prices in any pharmacy. However, these solutions are a double-edged sword and can often do more harm than good. Eye drops clear the blood vessels in the eyes and, on top of that, do not have a long-lasting effect.

Fish products keep our eyes healthy
Fish products keep our eyes healthy

When the drops evaporate, the blood invades the vessels again and puts more pressure on the eyes. And the longer you use the drops, the more dependent you become on them.

Naphazoline, which is found in some ready-made eye drops, can cause an irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, severe headaches and breathing problems. Another consequence is permanent damage to the blood vessels in the eyes.

And against problems with tired eyes, Mother Nature has taken care to give us products that will restore the brilliance of our eyes.

It is mandatory to eat foods that contain carotenoids, such as carrots and sweet potatoes, spinach and green leafy vegetables, which are quite rich in lutein. Blueberries are the fruit with which they maintained the good eyesight of the pilots of the British Royal Air Force during the Second World War.

Fish products keep our eyes healthy
Fish products keep our eyes healthy

If you want your eyes to be calm and insensitive, eat oily fish and seafood regularly. They are a source of useful fats, which are especially important for eye health. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in salmon, tuna, herring, sardines and mackerel, as well as in eggs and olive oil, protect our eyes from drying out.

Be sure to drink plenty of water to hydrate your whole body, and hence your eyes. Drastically limit your intake of soft drinks, coffee and alcohol. They have a diuretic effect, and when you drink more fluids, you feel tired and dry in the eyes.
