Boom Of Dangerous Mussels Because Of The Dirty Sea

Boom Of Dangerous Mussels Because Of The Dirty Sea
Boom Of Dangerous Mussels Because Of The Dirty Sea

Black Sea musselssold on the market are dangerous for consumption due to the polluted sea, doctors warn. You need to be more careful with seafood this year.

If they are not taken from special farms, the consumption of mussels can lead to intestinal infection, diarrhea or dehydration.

Molluscs are known as sea cleaners and therefore contain all kinds of waste products.

To minimize the risk of poisoning, mussels should be caught early in the morning in clean pools. But at the beginning of the season, pollution has increased due to the spillage of faecal water from nearby hotels and restaurants.

This makes the consumption of even a small amount of mussels dangerous to health.

Doctors advise people who like to eat mussels in the summer heat, to be careful with their choice and be sure to find out about their origin.

Farm mussels do not have the specific sea breath, but they have been repeatedly checked, which makes their consumption safe.

Avoid buying frozen mussels and look for fresh ones. In large fish stores you can buy mussels in a net, which are soaked in sea water minutes before entering the pot.


Make sure the shell is tightly closed, as this is proof that the mussel is still alive.

According to the Executive Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture (IRRA) show that we have 43 active mussel farms, from which we can buy fresh products.

When you buy mussels, it is advisable to cook some of them. They can be stored for up to 2 days in the refrigerator, wrapped in a towel.

Before you start cooking them, you should leave them in water for about 20 minutes.
