Beautiful And Weak With The Help Of Tea And Milk

Beautiful And Weak With The Help Of Tea And Milk
Beautiful And Weak With The Help Of Tea And Milk

If once a week you make a relaxing day with the help of milk tea, your figure will be closer to ideal, advise English nutritionists. Unloading days with tea and milk are currently among the most popular diets.

The result of such unloading is not only the loss of about an extra kilogram, but also good condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as a wonderful mood and tone.

However, it is not good to do this procedure more than once a week. With systematic intake - ie. once a week, it can normalize metabolism and regulate the work of internal organs.


The only contraindication on this day is individual intolerance to milk. For one unloading day you will need 1.5 liters of skim milk, 4 teaspoons of green tea or black tea leaves, as well as herbal or fruit tea.

The best results are still achieved with green tea. If you suffer from insomnia, use a mixture of green and black tea in the evening. Green tea is brewed at temperatures below 100 degrees, because at high temperatures it loses its useful properties.


There are several ways to make tea with milk. 3-4 teaspoons of tea leaves are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling milk, which is cooled to 70 degrees. After standing for fifteen minutes, strain and drink unsweetened during the day.

Another option is to pour the tea into 2 liters of boiling water. Cool under a lid for 20 minutes away from the hob, then add one liter of milk. After ten minutes, strain and consume.

Tea with milk in English is made as follows - in a preheated porcelain cup pour a third of milk and after four minutes add strong tea.
