In Order Not To Frown The Kid: Useful And Delicious Homemade Soups And Broths

In Order Not To Frown The Kid: Useful And Delicious Homemade Soups And Broths
In Order Not To Frown The Kid: Useful And Delicious Homemade Soups And Broths

Soups and home-made broths are a necessary food for young children. This is because of the small amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates they contain. Soups and broths, especially meat, increase gastric secretion and improve digestion.

Following some simple but basic rules in the preparation of soups and broths for young children up to three years of age will bring many health benefits and improve the tone and activity of the child.

When preparing meat soup or broth, poultry is preferred. To obtain a complete broth, the washed and cut pieces of meat and bones are poured with cold water. Cover well and after boiling and frothing are salted and left to simmer. Rapid cooking leads to loss of aromatic components of meat and vegetables.

If the meat is placed in boiling salted water, then due to the high temperature the proteins on the surface of the meat coagulate and form a shell, which stops the passage of salts and other substances. They remain in the meat and the broth remains low in nutritional value.

For all other meats other than chicken, one hour before removing from the heat, add the cleaned and chopped vegetables, which enrich the broth.

Vegetarian broths also require vegetables to be placed in cold water without being pre-soaked. Vegetarian broth can also be prepared from stewed finely chopped vegetables in fat and water. In this way, the essential oils and vitamin A, which are contained in vegetables, are extracted.

From the broths prepared in this way, various soups are made with the addition of eggs, noodles, rice, bakery products and others.

If the cooked vegetables are mashed, a cream soup is obtained. If Béchamel sauce or toasted flour with milk and eggs is added to the pureed soup, a cream soup is obtained. Pureed and cream soups are recommended for children from 1 to 2 years of age.

In the preparation of soups for children it is desirable to avoid frying. It is recommended to use butter instead of other fat, which should be added shortly before serving.

It should be approached very carefully with the addition of spices in soups for young children. Leafy spices are recommended.

It is good not to add bread to the soup.

Due to the lower nutritional value of soups and broths, children from 1 to 3 years are recommended to be given small amounts up to 100 g to allow the child to eat the main dish with dessert.
