Myths And Facts About Wine

Myths And Facts About Wine
Myths And Facts About Wine

Women are bigger fans of wine. True

Statistics show that worldwide women prefer wine, and men prefer beer and stronger alcoholic beverages. According to one explanation, women have the ability to sense more scents. For example, they smell musk, but gentlemen do not. Possible causes can be found in hormones that increase in different phases of the female cycle.

White wine goes with the fish. Myth

Myths and facts about wine
Myths and facts about wine

One of the most common myths concerns the combination of fish only with white wines. However, the sommelier is adamant that there is not a gram of truth in this. Moreover, it is often recommended for fish dishes to choose Mediterranean red wines from Italy and Spain. Red wine is an excellent company for tuna and oilier fish - salmon, mackerel, trout, carp. In addition, if red wine is used in the sauce with the dish, red wine should also be served on the table.

Red wine is more popular than white. True

Myths and facts about wine
Myths and facts about wine

According to statistics, over 60% of people prefer red wine to white. It is difficult to say what leans the scales towards him. Many people like the rich look of red wine, not the sour notes of white. However, in countries with warmer climates, white wine and rosé are more popular.

Wine dehydrates the body. Myth

Myths and facts about wine
Myths and facts about wine

Dehydration is the main fear of wine lovers. It is believed that alcoholic beverages dehydrate the body and this is true, but in large quantities. To avoid this, sommelier advises that whenever we consume wine, drink the same or double the amount of still water. And if you drink the norm of 1.5-2 liters of water a day, this problem should not bother you.

Red wine is more useful than white. True

Myths and facts about wine
Myths and facts about wine

The chemical composition of red wine is significantly higher than that of white. Red wine contains more antioxidants that slow down the aging process, lower bad cholesterol and protect the cardiovascular system. A glass of good red wine saturates the body with the rare vitamin P, which ensures the absorption of ascorbic acid and has a good effect on metabolism.

The rosette is made by mixing red and white wine. Myth

Myths and facts about wine
Myths and facts about wine

The rosette is made from red grape varieties by mixed technology - the skins are left to ferment together with the juice for a short time and as soon as the wine acquires a light pink hue, it is moved to another vessel, where the fermentation continues without the skins. In other words, rosé is a type of red wine that has had a very short period of fermentation with grape skins and seeds.
