Squash Game

Squash Game
Squash Game

Ladies who want to tighten their figure and do not want to go on a diet will not go wrong if they go for squash instead of fitness.

This rocket sport was ranked first as the healthiest by Forbes magazine. The publication published a report comparing sports from different categories.

They were evaluated for cardiac activity in play, flexibility, strength, endurance and last but not least the risk of injury and


The game is practiced indoors. It uses both walls and floor. The goal is to ricochet the ball into the side or back wall to send it to the front.

The play continues until one of the players makes a mistake or a foul is ruled.

You don't have to be a very good player to achieve the goal of losing extra pounds. Just running on the court without a break for an hour is enough for your body to burn the maximum number of calories.

The name squash comes from English and literally means crush, lubricate. The game was invented about 150 years ago in English prisons. The pandits were distracted by hitting a rag ball against the walls with wooden sticks and sticks.
