Tibetan Diet For Blood Purification

Tibetan Diet For Blood Purification
Tibetan Diet For Blood Purification

A healthy and healthy diet from Tibet can help you clear toxins from your blood, thus reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

In this diet for 25 days every day you need to drink a specially prepared drink. The drink is always drunk in the morning and always on an empty stomach. 1-2 glasses of the drink should be drunk.

The drink is prepared from 300 grams of onions and 1 kilogram of lemons. The two ingredients are finely chopped and put in 1.5 liters of boiling water. Leave under the lid for 15 minutes to release all the beneficial properties of onions and lemons.


Studies have shown that onions and lemons, which are part of this diet, act as a preventative measure against many cancers and strengthen the human immune system. The decoction can also significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Lemons are rich in citric acid, which stimulates gastric juices and also reduces blood sugar production. The pectin in citrus on the other hand suppresses appetite and creates a feeling of satiety for 4 hours after ingestion.

A great helper in digestion is vitamin C, which is abundant in lemons.

In addition, onions help against osteoarthritis and rejuvenate, and lemon acts against stress, kidney stones and helps healthy gums.


Sulfur compounds have been found in onions, which are easily absorbed by the body. Through the bloodstream, they enter the brain and have a positive effect on a number of important areas. In addition, onions can activate and rejuvenate cells.

If you want to repeat this diet, you must wait at least 10 days before you start consuming the decoction.

During the period of this cleansing diet it is mandatory to follow all other rules of healthy eating. This means that you need to limit animal fats and alcohol.

The diet can only purify clinically healthy people, ie if you have any health problems and apply this diet, you can only harm your health.
