Tibetan Gold Or The Magic Tibetan Mushroom

Tibetan Gold Or The Magic Tibetan Mushroom
Tibetan Gold Or The Magic Tibetan Mushroom

The healing Tibetan mushroom grows in the foothills of the Himalayas at an altitude of up to 5,000 meters. The magic Tibetan mushroom goat gunbu is the result of an exclusive and unique combination between a worm (Hepialus Fabricius) and a fungus (Cordyceps Sinensis). Initially, fungal spores infect caterpillars that live in the Himalayas.

Then gradually the spores of the fungus penetrate deeper into the body of the caterpillar. After the death of the worm, the fungus continues to grow and takes on the appearance of a black stick. This mushroom is used in traditional Tibetan and Chinese medicine. The crop is harvested once a year and is only visible for a few weeks.

The stimulating properties of goat gunbu (Yarsagumba) have been known for centuries by Tibetan shepherds. In fact, they found that their yaks enjoy good shape when they eat the mushroom in the natural pastures.

Used for many centuries in China and Tibet, goat gunbu has long been a mushroom for the elite, especially because of its rarity and high price. In Tibet it was consumed only by the Dalai Lama, while in China, only the emperor and his court had the right to take advantage of its virtues.

In Nepal, when the snow melts, the harvest time of goat gunbu causes a real gold rush in the country. In May, in early spring, entire villages from Nepal and Tibet move to the Himalayas to collect this mushroom, which is among the most powerful aphrodisiacs.

Even Tibetan monks leave their monastery and go to collect the mushroom. Goat gunbu has a very high price - from 4000 to 8000 euros per kilogram. This may be the reason why the period of its collection is compared to gold rush.

It contains many ingredients, such as adenosine and cordycepin. In addition to being an aphrodisiac, the fungus helps increase physical capacity and lung health and helps strengthen the immune system.

Goat gunbu is considered in China as the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world. Several studies in China of more than 1,000 men and women show that the adoption of goat gunbu 3 grams per day is effective in stimulating sexual function and has countless other health benefits.
