Late And Espresso Romano Or How To Wake Up In A New Way

Late And Espresso Romano Or How To Wake Up In A New Way
Late And Espresso Romano Or How To Wake Up In A New Way

From coffee you can prepare a wide variety of drinks. Instead of drinking the banal wake-up drink in the morning, unleash your virtuoso skills and imagination by adding something of your own to your coffee drink recipes.

American coffee is a standard serving of espresso coffee that is diluted with hot water until it becomes a 95 milliliter beverage. You can serve water and coffee separately to your favorite partner to decide in what proportions to mix it.

Late - it is prepared by mixing one part espresso with three parts hot milk. Pour whipped milk foam and sugar to taste on top. Serve in a tall glass.

Late macchiato - this is the same latte, but in different proportions and without mixing. One and a half parts of fresh milk and one and a half parts of milk foam fall on one part of espresso.

The milk is poured into the cup, on top - the coffee, on top - the foam. Coffee does not mix with milk due to its higher temperature and lower density. Serve in a glass with a straw. The coffee is sweetened beforehand so that your latte macchiato does not stir.

Irish coffee - pour a little whiskey into a fireproof glass, add a teaspoon of sugar. The mixture is heated over an open fire to melt the sugar. Add espresso and garnish with whipped cream.

Late macchiato
Late macchiato

Mocha - fresh milk and a few pieces of chocolate in the desired proportion are heated until the chocolate melts. Add the finished espresso and decorate with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

Espresso ristretto - it's just a stronger espresso - a teaspoon of coffee is boiled in twice less water than usual. A very strong coffee is obtained, which is drunk in two sips and without sugar.

Cappuccino - the real recipe for this famous drink is as follows: one third of espresso, one third of warm milk and one third of milk foam. Decorate with chocolate powder, cocoa or cinnamon.

Espresso romano - this is a standard portion of espresso to which lemon is added. You choose whatever the lemon is - whether sliced, squeezed or just grated lemon peel.

Ice coffee - espresso, brown sugar, condensed milk or liquid cream are mixed. Pour into a tall glass with ice. You can use ice cream instead of ice.

French press - coarsely ground coffee is poured with hot water and brewed. The drink is filtered and served in espresso cups. You can decorate with whipped cream.
