Fruits With The Least Sugar Content

Fruits With The Least Sugar Content
Fruits With The Least Sugar Content

If for some reason you have to calculate the amount of sugar in your daily menu, you should not forget the fruit. Fructose (fruit sugar) belongs to the fast sugars, which means that it is broken down quickly by the body and is useful, but it should not be overdone. Among the record holders in terms of fructose is avocado, which contains 1 kg of sugars, as well as many useful fats and can saturate the body. They are at the other pole fruits with the least sugar content. Here are some of them.


Forest fruits
Forest fruits

One cup of this fruit contains only 4 g of sugar and therefore blueberries can be consumed all year round.



Raspberries contain only 5 g of sugar per 1 cup of fruit. They have more fiber than other berries, so they saturate more. You can safely use them in the smoothie, in the fruit shake, as well as as part of the fruit salad.


Fruits with the least sugar content
Fruits with the least sugar content

This berry is also with low sugar content, only 7 g for a cup of fruit. But they contain many other useful substances.


Fruits with the least sugar content
Fruits with the least sugar content

In a cup of strawberries there is about 7 g of sugar, but also as much as 85 mg of vitamin C, above the recommended dose of 75 mg for a healthy person.

Of the fruits that are not grown in our territory, but we import and consume, there are those that have no sugar content at all.



Grapefruit is one of the best sources of vitamin C, but it does not contain any amount of sugar, so you can safely consume large amounts of it without worrying about your weight.



Avocado is one of the most useful fruits. It contains many useful fats, fiber, minerals such as calcium and copper and a number of vitamins - E, A, K, B6, B. In it no sugar and therefore can also be consumed safely at any time.



Papaya is an exotic fruit that is not well known in our country. It contains mainly vitamins, mostly vitamin A. Papaya also contains antioxidants that slow down aging. The fruit is sweet in taste, but also does not contain any sugar.

All these fruits are friends of your health and especially of your figure.
