The Dog - The Morning Secret Of The Japanese

The Dog - The Morning Secret Of The Japanese
The Dog - The Morning Secret Of The Japanese

Made by roasted buckwheat grains, the dog enters the world of the European to such an extent that it can overshadow green tea. The new star of healthy food is the starting point for a miracle that the Japanese love to drink to boost their immunity, to detoxify and reminalize the body after a night's sleep.

What is a dog?

The dog
The dog

The dog, from the Japanese soba, is obtained by steaming roasted buckwheat grains. Literally, it is buckwheat tea (ie gluten-free), which is drunk as a hot drink and which can quench thirst as a cold drink in summer and warm in winter. Without secretions and caffeine, the dog can drink from morning to night without restrictions, without worries about insomnia or heart rate. The Japanese drink it slightly sweetened and with milk or agave syrup throughout the day. It is rich in nutrients.

Rich in plant proteins (12% of its dry weight) and fiber, buckwheat as an infusion is considered a detoxifying drink that helps lose weight. The Japanese drink it mostly in the morning after waking up and at the beginning of the meal. It is not bitter and has an alkalizing effect on the body, which fights acidity.

The dog in the kitchen

Japanese Dog with Noodles
Japanese Dog with Noodles

Gluten-free and with a very low glycemic index, roasted buckwheat grains can be perfectly consumed (even after being steamed), ground into flour, used for buckwheat pancakes, for spaghetti soba…

Some recipe ideas:

Detoxifying drink

Japanese Dog Dog Tea
Japanese Dog Dog Tea

It is enough to boil for five minutes three tablespoons of lightly roasted beans dog in a glass of boiling water to obtain the ideal drink for detoxification of the body. As it has already become clear, it is good to drink in the morning after getting up.

Preparation of dry beans

Buckwheat is bought roasted and peeled. To cook it, you need to bake it in a pan without fat, over medium heat. The beans are stirred until golden and then allowed to cool. It is a good idea to fortify with muesli.

Appetizing velvet

This is a delicious and very easy recipe that anyone can try to prepare at home. 1 onion and 1 clove of garlic grind and mix with about 40 grams of pancetta (bacon) and a tablespoon of olive oil or vegetable oil. Add two leeks, cut into circles. Cover with water and add 4 tablespoons of buckwheat. Boil for about minutes. Add a little cream and salt and mix.
