Fish Destroy Our Immunity

Fish Destroy Our Immunity
Fish Destroy Our Immunity

The fish is no longer what it used to be. From one of the most delicious and useful foods for the human body, it can become a real danger to our overall health.

Global pollution of the seas, oceans and rivers is already a fact. Of all the insecticides, refractory materials and coolants, persistent organic contaminants enter fish tissues. When we eat fish, they enter our body and do not allow the body to expel toxins.

In their research, American scientists have found substances in the tissues of fish that have been shown to weaken the human body's defense system. Until now, it was thought that this could only happen if they slipped past the human vital protein P-glycoprotein - P-gp. Its function is not to let foreign toxic substances into the cell, and it can resist the combined attacks of several toxins at the same time.

In the case of contaminants carried by fish, however, it turns out that they do not slip past the protein, but attach to it. They blind him and he does not react. Thus, human cells remain unprotected, and toxins easily enter and poison the body.

Huge amounts of contaminants scientists have found in one of the most popular fish. In addition to organic pollutants, products of the petrochemical industry are found in as many as eight yellowfin tuna.

This is very worrying, because tuna is one of the most consumed in the world. Thus, eating it, we may think that we live a healthy life, but we actually kill a small part of ourselves.


Young children and newborns who take these harmful substances from breast milk are most at risk. The bad thing is that their protective P-gp is minimal and there is nothing to stop the harmful toxins.
