Several Ways To Lose 5 Pounds

Several Ways To Lose 5 Pounds
Several Ways To Lose 5 Pounds

Unfortunately, for weight loss there is no one-size-fits-all recommendation. What helps one to lose weight, may be ineffective in another. We are all so different - from food preferences to the chemistry of our bodies. Therefore, the only successful way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is to find what works for you.

The following ways have proven successful in weight loss. Try them and see what will bring you success.

Hydrate yourself

Studies show that people who drink enough water during a diet lose more weight than those who do not hydrate well.

Eat in half

Divide your normal portion in half and leave the second portion for later. You will find that with less food you will feel better than you think.

Eat without meat

Vegetarians are generally lower in weight than meat eaters. Try to eat meatless dishes until you lose a few pounds.

Become vegan

If vegetarianism doesn't help you to lose weight, go to the next level. Give up eggs and dairy products.

Get fresh food

Weight loss
Weight loss

Give up packaged foods and eat only fresh foods and dishes you have prepared.

Cook at home

Eating out can bring you not only more costs, but also more calories. Make some preparations over the weekend and you can quickly have a home-cooked dinner during the week.

Limit sweets

Stop the jam
Stop the jam

Everyone knows that sugar is not healthy. But if you start reading the labels, you will find that it is hidden in unexpected places. Examples are frozen appetizers and sauces, giving them up will help you reduce sugar a lot.

Eliminate empty carbs

Short-term elimination of empty carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and confectionery can effectively start your weight loss plan.

Become a abstainer

Alcohol is a source of empty calories. Replace them with water.

Take short breaks for a walk


Every half or an hour, get up and walk for 5 minutes. Short walks are a simple and easy way to lose weight.


Studies show that people who do not get enough sleep eat more and gain more weight than those who sleep well.

Call a friend


This will fill your loneliness with conversation, not eating candy or other sources of excess calories.
