Several Ways To Remove Nitrates From Vegetables

Several Ways To Remove Nitrates From Vegetables
Several Ways To Remove Nitrates From Vegetables

We all know that spring is the season when all kinds of delicious vegetables appear. In our quest to eat healthily and cleanse our bodies of accumulated fat in the winter, we increasingly reach for green leafy vegetables, cucumbers and what not. However, how to deal with nitrateswhich 90% of them contain in large quantities?

The issue of nitrates in the fruits and vegetables we consume is relevant almost all year round. Nitrates are nitrogen compounds, and nitrogen is an important nutrient for all plants. It supports their proper growth and development.

To provide the vegetables with a sufficient amount of nitrogen, fertilization is applied, either with natural or artificial fertilizers. When excessive intake of nitrogen and nitrogen compounds (nitrates) occurs in plants, excess nitrates accumulate, which under certain conditions and amounts become harmful and even dangerous to humans.

Some plant species absorb and store larger amounts nitrates from others. Also, nitrate concentrations are highest in the leaves and roots of plants, and lowest in their fruits and seeds.

Lettuce, spinach, beets, turnips, Chinese cabbage, green onions, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes and carrots have been shown to have the highest nitrate content. Tomatoes, peppers, beans, potatoes and cucumbers are poorer in nitrates.

In order to reduce the content of nitrates in the already purchased fruits and vegetables, we must proceed to their proper processing before consumption.

Several ways to remove nitrates from vegetables
Several ways to remove nitrates from vegetables

The vegetables are soaked at least 10 minutes before consumption, as nitrates are soluble in water. Leafy vegetables should be soaked 1-2 hours before consumption. This will remove up to 70% of the nitrates.

Vegetables and fruits purchased from the store must be deeply peeled, as the highest content of nitrates is in the peel and just below it.

The heat treatment decomposes one part of the nitrates and another passes into the decoction. Therefore, discard the water while still warm during cooking - if you wait for it to cool, the nitrates will return to the vegetables. Such a procedure reduces up to 80% of nitrates.

Another trick that can get rid of nitrates in your plate is to soak all fresh vegetables in water for about 30 minutes, adding 1 tsp. bicarbonate of soda.

If you have decided to prepare a salad, instead of vinegar, season with freshly squeezed lemon juice, as it also has the power to destroy nitrates.
