The Syringe, This Is The New Mojito

The Syringe, This Is The New Mojito
The Syringe, This Is The New Mojito

Tall glasses filled with bright orange liquid and floating ice adorn the tables in the bars more and more often. The syringe it gradually becomes an almost inevitable aperitif. It can be found on the terraces of Paris, on all Italian tables, in the hands of students and in cafes and bars in downtown Sofia.

In various restaurants, the impressive cocktail can be accompanied by bites, cheese or other small side dishes. And while it's considered a cocktail for girls, it's not.

Many men follow women's fashion and discover the benefits of the orange cocktail. And while it's considered a soft drink, it's not quite so. Its slightly bitter long-lasting taste is ideal for endless winter evenings.

cocktail syringe
cocktail syringe

The syringe is easy to make. It is the perfect connection between a simple aperitif and a modern cocktail. Behind it lies Aperol, bitter in English, amaro in Italian or amere in French. This liquid is the most common ingredient in making the drink. In addition, Prosecco and carbonated water are added to make one of the most modern cocktails.

The basic steps in the preparation of a syringe are known as 3-2-1. This means that in a glass of ice and lemon, pour about 3 parts Prosecco, 2 parts Aperol and finish with one part soda.

Parisian bartenders believe that by 2020 the syringe will be part of the top 3 cocktails in the world. It is also the reason why the Aperol sold is constantly increasing worldwide.

In fact, in the beginning the syringe did not contain a single drop of Aperol. It appeared in the 19th century, when the Austrians had filled Venice and even dominated the local population.

toast with a syringe
toast with a syringe

In order to soften the local wine, they asked the restaurant owners to add "spritzen", in German "sparkling water". This is how the syringe was born. Then the Italians were the ones who added bitter drinks such as Campari and Aperol in the 20th century.

When you are you order a syringe, be sure to specify exactly what you want it to be. It is an Italian classic Aperol syringe. It consumes 450 million glasses a year in the world, which, if lined up next to each other, will orbit the equator.

When choosing it, be careful about one more thing - to be with dry sparkling wine. And the ice should be diced, not broken.

The cocktail is always served with a black straw!
