Gluttony - One Of The Seven Deadly Sins

Gluttony - One Of The Seven Deadly Sins
Gluttony - One Of The Seven Deadly Sins

Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins in the Christian religion. It is able to bring a person to a beastly state and therefore Christianity denies it - it is one of the forms of the wider vice - lust.

In our time, we pay less attention to gluttony than to obesity, which is usually caused by the fact that we can not stop cramming.

Italian psychologists claim that there are several phases of trampling. The first phase begins quite innocently, usually under the influence of some external factor. Very often these are advertisements or a neighbor who drinks something or is delighted with the new ice cream she has bought.

Without realizing it, we are already in the store and in a few minutes we are eating the new food for us, without stopping until it is over. In the second phase, we are already sitting at a table cluttered with everything we can find at home.

After some time spent at the table in the destruction of food supplies, we already have the feeling that we have eaten. But an insidious voice whispers to us: Eat, you will start the annoying diet tomorrow! See how many delicacies are still on the table! And we postpone the diet for a while.

Beer belly
Beer belly

The third phase is already the worst. It has psychological consequences. We sit, there is no food in front of us, but we feel heavy, we have difficulty breathing, we feel sick and we feel terrible, as if we have sinned a lot.

This phase is followed by the resentment that arises from the feeling that we are powerless to stop when we go to the refrigerator for the fifteenth time. Not to mention the remorse we feel if we can't help but eat at night.

In order not to get to this whole storm of emotions, we must try to live our lives and each day to the fullest, thinking about other things besides eating.

Today - not tomorrow! - we must impose a ban when we want something sweet, after we have already eaten at least three desserts.

We have to turn off the TV when they give another appetizing advertisement for a delicacy we can't resist. And most importantly - to set a goal to achieve in real time - for example, to lose a pound this month and be able to keep it.
