Late Dinner After 20:00? There Is No Danger Of Gaining Weight

Late Dinner After 20:00? There Is No Danger Of Gaining Weight
Late Dinner After 20:00? There Is No Danger Of Gaining Weight

New research shows that eating after 8 pm does not cause weight gain. Researchers from King's College London have found that there is no significant link between eating dinner after 8pm and being overweight in children.

Previous evidence has suggested that food intake may have a significant effect on cicada rhythms (ie, the body's internal daily clock). This, in turn, can affect metabolic processes in the body, leading to an increased risk of being overweight.

Evidence from studies in children is limited. That's why college researchers have decided to find out if children's dinner time is linked to obesity. In a new study, researchers followed the habits of 1,620 children, of whom 768 were ages 4 to 10 and 852 were ages 11 to 18.

The survey is national, and the annual information collected is from food diaries, in which children and parents recorded what and when the child ate for a period of 4 days. The measurements of height and weight, which were used to calculate the body index of the children, were also collected. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the risk of obesity and overweight was not higher in those who dined between 20 and 22 hours, compared with those who ate between 14 and 20 hours, in both age groups studied.

The study's lead author, Dr. Gerda Pott, said the results were surprising because she expected a link to be found later eating and obesity, but it didn't. The results may be due to the limited number of children in the group who eat after 20 hours.

The study also found no significant differences in the average daily energy intake of those who ate before 8 pm compared to those who ate dinner later. The protein content was found to be higher in boys between the ages of 4 and 10 who ate later.

Late dinner
Late dinner

Girls between the ages of 11 and 18 have a difference in their carbohydrate intake as those who eat later consume less carbohydrates as part of their daily intake. These differences do not allow large-scale conclusions to be drawn about the quality of food.

However, the study has some drawbacks, such as the possibility of incorrectly completed diaries and the fact that the authors did not consider factors such as skipping breakfast, physical activity and sleep duration, which can lead to data disputes.
