What To Buy On The Market In September: The Most Useful Seasonal Products

What To Buy On The Market In September: The Most Useful Seasonal Products
What To Buy On The Market In September: The Most Useful Seasonal Products

We recommend that you pay attention to the autumn richness and add to your diet fruits, vegetables and other useful products. Give yourself new gastronomic emotions and strengthen your body with vitamins and minerals, because in seasonal fruits they are found in large quantities.

In the following lines you can see seven of the coolest seasonal products to be placed in the food basket in September. Pay attention to them!


What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products
What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products

Autumn fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients. In September, the season is at the very beginning, so you will have time to enjoy the taste and aroma of autumn fruits. Eat them fresh, add them to cereals and sweets, prepare desserts and sauces from them. Do not forget to store autumn fruits for the winter: prepare jams, jams and fruit drinks. They will help you during the season of colds and infectious diseases, as autumn fruits strengthen the immune system and increase the body's defenses.


What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products
What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products

Pumpkin is the queen of the autumn season. It is becoming increasingly popular and is turning from an exotic product into a main ingredient in home-cooked foods. Pumpkins of different varieties with a firmer density have a long shelf life.

With the pumpkin can be prepared a variety of dishes: cream soups, salads and appetizers, stews, mashed potatoes and desserts. For example, in baked form with honey and nuts - pumpkin is a unique dessert!

Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is another popular autumn food that deserves special mention. This berry is part of many medicines and has truly miraculous properties. It has a beneficial effect on the health of the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. It also normalizes sleep and calms the nervous system. Creates an atmosphere of comfort and improves the body's defenses. Drink sea buckthorn tea regularly to avoid getting sick in the rainy autumn.


What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products
What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products

The rose hip is the other hit of the autumn season. From it you can make delicious and warming tea. Such a drink will strengthen the immune system and help fight colds. This is due to the rich composition of nutrients: it contains dietary fiber, protein, vitamins B, K, E, PP, organic acids, essential oils. By the way, rose hips are a record holder in the content of vitamin C. This substance is more in it than in lemons and blackcurrants. Add it to your diet if you want to stay energetic and active, even during the fall season.


What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products
What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products

Sweet grape lovers, rejoice! September is the perfect time to go to the market for a sprig of your favorite grape. This month there are the most popular grape varieties on the shelves of markets and supermarkets.

Grapes are good for the body. In its structure it has all the substances necessary for the growth and development of human, including vitamins K and C, copper, potassium, fiber. Grapes improve the body's defenses, improve the functions of the heart and blood vessels, calm the nervous system and improve mood.


What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products
What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products

The English have a beautiful saying: "Only one apple a day saves from all diseases." And these are not just words: apples contain a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, sugars and acids that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Apples strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. September - the season of these wonderful fruits. Apples can also be baked, added to salads or cereals.

Melons and watermelons

What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products
What to buy on the market in September: The most useful seasonal products

Melons and watermelons remain undoubtedly the favorites of the autumn season. If in August there was still a risk of not buying ripe fruit, then in September it is minimized. The most sugary and juicy watermelons and melons are now sold in the markets.

When choosing fruits, pay attention to their appearance. Watermelons and melons must be free of visible damage and dents. Do not buy fruit with cracks - through them bacteria can get into the pulp and form harmful microorganisms.
