The Legend Of Ashura - Noah's Favorite Dessert

The Legend Of Ashura - Noah's Favorite Dessert
The Legend Of Ashura - Noah's Favorite Dessert

World gastronomy recognizes Ashureto as a cultural and gastronomic heritage of our southern neighbors from Turkey, but this appetizing dessert is a frequent guest at the Bulgarian table.

It is believed that the recipe for Ashure is the oldest known recipe in the world. Legend has it that this was also Noah's favorite dessert, which is why you can often find Ashura under the name Noah's pudding.

Everyone has heard the biblical parable of Noah's Noah's Ark. The Old Testament patriarch was chosen by God to save mankind and the animal world from the global flood. The figure of Noah is also present in the Qur'an.

In Islam, Noah is known as Noah and is one of the prophets of Allah, who by His will and inspiration built a wooden ship to save himself, his family and selected species from the animal world from a global flood.

Noah's ark
Noah's ark

And so, after 40 days of incessant rain, Noah (Noah) and his ship took refuge on the top of Mount Ararat. The whole family gathered - Noah, his sons Shem, Japheth and Ham, his daughters-in-law and decided to celebrate their salvation. They decided to cook a meal that contained exactly 40 ingredients, one for each day of their trial.

It is difficult to collect 40 spices after such a long voyage on a ship and they decided to give everyone what they have. One of the sons of Noah (Noah) gave dried fruits - oranges, figs, apricots.

The other brought cereals - wheat, white rice. The third brought spices and nuts - cinnamon, sugar. They also added chickpeas and cooked for the first time Ashure.


Today Ashureto is part of the culinary traditions of many countries, including of Bulgaria and Turkey. Traditionally in our country ashura is prepared from boiled wheat and is served mainly at funerals or memorial services, sweetened with powdered sugar and garnished with nuts.

In Turkey, the preparation of ashura is a ritual and an art. This fantastic dessert is made for a long time and by a special technology and is served on the big Islamic holidays.

Here is a tried and tested recipe for Ashura, as it is prepared in Turkey:

Necessary products: chickpeas - ½ tsp, rice - ½ tsp, wheat (wheat) -1/2 tsp, sugar -1 ½ tsp, hazelnuts - ½ tsp, walnuts - (, cedar nuts - ½, vanilla - 2 packs., raisins - 1/3 tsp., dried fruits - ½ tsp. figs, apricots, dates, oranges - 1 pc. bark, rose water - 2 tbsp

For garnish: cinnamon - 2 tsp, almonds - ½ tsp, walnuts - ½ tsp, pomegranate - beans.

Noah's pudding
Noah's pudding

Method of preparation: Chickpeas are soaked in water from the night before. The next day, rinse, pour 3.5-4 liters of water and boil until soft. Wheat and rice are rinsed under a strong stream of cold water to remove starch from them. Pour 3 liters of water and cook over medium heat for about 1 hour, stirring often. Mix with cooked chickpeas.

Pour boiling water over the dried fruits and leave for 30 minutes to soak well, then drain and cut into pieces. The water from soaking is preserved.

Chopped fruits, crushed nuts, sugar and hazelnuts are added to rice, wheat and chickpeas. Pour the mixture with the fruit decoction and bring to the boil. The ashura is boiled for about 30 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly.

Flavored with vanilla and grated orange peel. Add the raisins and cook for another 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly.

Remove the finished dessert from the hob, sprinkle with rose water, sprinkle with cinnamon, pomegranate seeds, walnuts and almonds and leave to cool at room temperature for at least 1-2 hours.
