The Legend Of The Dish White Man

The Legend Of The Dish White Man
The Legend Of The Dish White Man

Tradition in Bulgaria dictates that a woman stay at home by the hearth and mix delicious cooked dishes, turn masterful pies and serve thin appetizers to her partner, who takes care to work to provide bread for the table.

Although the traditions are not what they used to be, some of the most interesting and curious customs and rituals are still preserved in many places in Bulgaria.

The legend of the White Man dish, which is typical of the villagers high in the Balkans, is fascinating. However, the fact that this is the only dish in the Bulgarian folklore tradition that is prepared by a man is also interesting.

The dish is typical for St. Peter's Day, when the harvest begins high in the Balkans. Then is the best time to prepare it, because sheep's milk is the thickest and best.

Legend has it that a group of men went to harvest wheat on St. Peter's Day. The men went to the fields early to avoid the heat and get to work. But a lot of work, and the day progressed and temperatures rose.

Then St. Peter himself came down to them, grabbed the sickle and helped the reapers reap the harvest before it became too hot.


It was time for lunch and everyone opened their barrel to take out what the bride had prepared for him and to eat together. One took out a loaf of bread, another a tomato, a third a pepper, and so on.

One of the men tried to take out the fresh sheep's cheese, but it had literally melted from the heat. The reaper was ashamed, he did not dare to treat the saint with cheese.

St. Peter sensed his anxiety, picked up a few ears of wheat, and ground them until the grains became flour. He sprinkled the cheese with it, mixed it and a delicious white porridge was made, which our ancestors called White Man (Belmush, Kutmach).

The recipe for the typical Balkan man's dish White Man has remained almost unchanged to this day, but more and more often it is prepared by women and not by men, as was the tradition at the time.

The traditional recipe for White Man is passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law. Here is our proposal:

Necessary products: Fresh cheese (sheep, homemade) - 600 g, fresh milk (whole milk) - 150 ml, flour - 6-7 tablespoons, salt - to taste.

Sheep cheese
Sheep cheese

Method of preparation: Mash the cheese with a fork, if you find it too lean, add 1 tbsp. butter. Mix the flour in the cold milk and add them to the cheese. Season with salt and place the products in a copper pan.

Cook the porridge over low heat until thickened, but not more than 4-5 minutes, because it will thicken too much and can burn.

Place in a serving dish and serve with honey or jam of your choice.
