The Tricks That Supermarkets Hide

The Tricks That Supermarkets Hide
The Tricks That Supermarkets Hide

The supermarket is a place where we can find everything we need. A favorite of the hosts, it just invites you to buy something quite conscious. There are some trickswhich are by no means accidental. This is a whole marketing strategy based on the psyche and consciousness of the consumer. These tricks are completely successful and quite interesting. Here are some of them that you may not even realize they are.

1. A feast for the senses

From the entrance of the store you can smell a pleasant aroma of roasted chicken, bread that has just come out of the oven or just a great detergent. It's normal to stay longer in a place that smells nice, isn't it?

2. Large stroller

The tricks that supermarkets hide
The tricks that supermarkets hide

It is no coincidence that super convenient shopping carts are of this size. The consumer has an instinct to fill this space with many products, of course.

3. Promotions - there are almost always and there are many

We are organized so that the more we buy, the more we use a given item, whether it is food or not. That's why the top offers are designed to make you come back and search for more of the product.

4. Fruits and vegetables in the foreground

They're usually at the top of the store, right? This is a strategy to attract consumer attention. An explosion of colors, shapes, often and flavors of fresh produce could unlock the desire to shop.

5. Fixed prices

In general, it is normal for a person who buys often to remember the prices of the main products he consumes. You enter, take, make a rough calculation and go to the cash register, meanwhile put some other necessary things. Therefore, the bill is often higher than you expect.

6. Less cash space

The space of the cash register decreases, because it is not uncommon for a person to want to give up something he has taken at the last moment. Often, however, he has nowhere to leave it, so he just buys it. Pretty clever move!

7. Huge selection

The tricks that supermarkets hide
The tricks that supermarkets hide

Thanks to which you spend more time in the store, through which you are likely to buy more things.

8. Music

Pleasant music and tempting short commercials that sound in the supermarket encourage more purchases. To limit yourself, you could play slow and calm music on headphones, which will distract you and direct you to sensible shopping.
