Dangerous Bacteria In Products

Dangerous Bacteria In Products
Dangerous Bacteria In Products

When you open a can or compote, store the rest immediately after consumption in the refrigerator. The same goes for cooked dishes after they have cooled.

The freshness of the products is preserved in the refrigerator, but it also serves to protect against many bacteria that grow in food.

Microorganisms that cause food poisoning grow fastest at temperatures above ten degrees. For most microbes that cause food poisoning, the human body temperature is optimal. Under such ideal conditions, salmonella doubles in quantity every 20 minutes.

Salmonella lives in raw meat, seafood, eggs, unwashed fresh vegetables, unpasteurized milk. The disease begins 12 to 72 hours after infection. Symptoms include fever, nausea, and stomach pain.

Bacteria in food products
Bacteria in food products

Salmonella can be prevented by leaving all perishable products in the refrigerator, as these bacteria do not tolerate low temperatures. Eggs are washed before being boiled or broken, all products must be heat-treated and vegetables must be washed very well.

Listeria are microorganisms that are found in milk, raw meat, soft cheeses, can be found in ice cream. The onset of the disease occurs 3 to 70 days after infection.

The symptoms are similar to the flu, the bacteria are very dangerous for pregnant women as they can cause miscarriage. To protect against listeria, freeze the products because they do not tolerate low temperatures. Cook the products well at a high temperature to kill harmful bacteria.

E. coli - This bacterium lives in raw meat, undercooked or undercooked meat, which contains blood, unpasteurized milk, juices and fresh vegetables. The onset of the disease occurs 1 to 7 days after infection.

The symptoms are diarrhea, sometimes with blood, which leads to kidney damage. The bacterium survives freezing. But if well-treated heat products are stored in a refrigerator, its reproduction stops.

Staphylococci - These bacteria are found in meat, eggs, salads, creams. The onset of the disease occurs 1 to 7 days after infection. Symptoms include nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea.

These bacteria live on the skin. When they come in contact with food, they produce toxins that harm human health. Therefore, wash your hands more often.
