Interesting Facts About The Tea Bush

Interesting Facts About The Tea Bush
Interesting Facts About The Tea Bush

An ancient proverb says that "a day without food is better than a day without tea". The traditions associated with drinking tea can be traced back to ancient times. The Chinese have known the tea bush for thousands of years. Ancient tradition interprets the shape and origin of the tea bush.

Centuries ago, the Hindu prince Dharma traveled throughout Asia to spread the cult of the Buddha. The prince spent much of his time praying to the deity.

Once, tired from the long wanderings, Dharma closed his eyes and fell asleep imperceptibly while praying. So, in order not to anger the Buddha, the prince cut off his eyelids and threw them on the ground. According to legend, an unseen bush with green leaves and white flowers sprouted from them, which surprisingly resembled eyelids

It takes several centuries for the medicinal and invigorating tea plant to spread widely. Today, in addition to China, there are tea bushes in Japan, India, Russia, Sri Lanka, some parts of South America, etc. The tea bush needs a high temperature and abundant moisture.

The mountainous areas do not offer good conditions for the tea bush. It has a beautiful appearance and delicate aroma. An interesting detail is that the tea bush is a perennial plant.

The average life expectancy is about 50 years, and the bushes growing on the slopes reach 70 years of age, write researchers Belorechki and Djelepov. The good news is that the tea bush can also be grown at home at room temperature.

Interesting facts about the tea bush
Interesting facts about the tea bush

Some historians claim that the Dutch were the first to bring the plant to the Old Continent. The English and French were the first to make tea from the specific plant. Today, England is the largest consumer of tea. Statistics show that the average person uses about 4.5 kg of tea plant per year to prepare an invigorating drink.

The most valuable element of the tea bush are its leaves. The most useful is the tea from the first harvest. This happens when the plant reaches four years of age. The youngest leaves are extremely tender and juicy. They are called "flushes". Usually no more than 200 g of flush is obtained from one bush. Tea can also be made from leaf buds. Such tea is called "flower" or "peko".

After harvesting, the special treatment of the leaves and buds begins. Today, the main types of tea are four, namely: black, green, red and yellow. Their color depends on the different processing and storage, respectively on the changes that occur in their composition. Black tea, for example, undergoes all stages of processing, including fermentation.
