Foods That Increase Breast Milk

Foods That Increase Breast Milk
Foods That Increase Breast Milk

Before a woman becomes a mother, she cannot feel and understand the value of being a mother. Feeding babies breast milk is of particular importance and importance, so it is extremely important that they are breastfed. In this regard, the foods that mothers eat to increase their breast milk are also very important.

Which nutrients help increase breast milk?

1. Due to the elements contained in them, walnuts enhance the formation of lactose;

2. Planed carrots, when mixed with fresh milk, also increase breast milk. You can also drink carrot juice;

3. Radishes are foods that are good for pregnancy and breast milk. The juice is also useful;

Carrot juice
Carrot juice

4. Cabbage;

5. Lettuce;

6. Drink one cup of fennel tea;

7. Garlic is an important food source, useful for both breast milk and mother and baby;

8. Raisins should be consumed during this period. Can be consumed between meals to increase milk;

9. The intake of fresh milk in the evening and in the morning is important;


10. Cumin tea also increases breast milk;

11. Fish is among the foods that should be consumed because of its high phosphorus content. Fish should be eaten at least once a week;

12. Green tea is a good antioxidant. It can be consumed both during this period and during the rest of the time;

13. Broccoli can be eaten both stewed and broccoli soups;

14. Eat walnuts and hazelnuts regularly;

15. Applying massages with Indian oil for 2-3 minutes also increase breast milk;

16. Take one cup of anise tea;

17. Herbal teas have a calming effect. Especially the intake of mint and lemon balm tea relaxes and increases breast milk;

18. Oregano, nettle tea, large amounts of water, honey, fresh milk with honey, parsley are also among the nutrients that should be taken regularly during breastfeeding;

In addition to all this, massages can be done in the area of the mother's breasts and abdomen. This relaxes and calms. And when the mother is calm, the milk increases. Stress reduces or completely stops breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, great attention should be paid not only to food, but also to sports and exercise.
