When You Are Hungry And Lunch Is Not Ready

When You Are Hungry And Lunch Is Not Ready
When You Are Hungry And Lunch Is Not Ready

This situation has happened to everyone: lunch will be ready in two hours, and everyone is terribly hungry and their hands are reaching for the chips and chocolates.

You can eat before a main meal without gaining weight. It is important that what you eat is filling, but at the same time not greasy.

If you eat edam cheese in combination with grapes, it will provide calcium to your bones and vitamins from the required portion of fruit. You can use another type of cheese or yellow cheese.

A wholemeal slice with a little peanut butter will charge your body with energy without gaining weight. This is a useful snack that is rich in protein and carbohydrates.

Melon and prosciutto, which you can replace with ham, is a low-calorie snack that is ideal if you want to keep track of your figure. Choose a melon that is orange inside - it contains beta-carotene, which is good for the immune system.

When you are hungry and lunch is not ready
When you are hungry and lunch is not ready

Vitamin-enriched muesli and cornflakes in combination with fresh milk are great for a light meal, and will also supply your body with calcium.

Salts with yogurt sauce will not gain weight, but will load your body with a dose of calcium. It is especially important for adolescents, so it is suitable for children who can't wait for lunch.

Sometimes the most useful products are waiting for you in the store. A bucket of yogurt supplies the body with two servings of calcium. Small slices of pizza can also help you wait for lunch or dinner. The important thing is that the pizza is vegetarian, preferably with tomatoes and cheese.

Fruit compote is also a very good option for a snack before the main meal. If possible, choose fruit in your own sauce, not in sugar syrup.

Both adults and children will love strawberries that are melted in melted chocolate. To do this, melt a little milk chocolate in a water bath and melt each strawberry.
