For The Harm Of Dry Soups

For The Harm Of Dry Soups
For The Harm Of Dry Soups

In the season of flu viruses, colds, cold winter days, a warm chicken soup would work wonders. Recently on the market there are ready instant soups, so called. dry soups. This is an easy and quick option to get the necessary nutrients for the day in a warm cup of soup without having to stay for hours in the kitchen.

But is this option also healthy for us?

Increasingly, there is talk and research being done about that dry soups and broths that we use for convenience are harmful. But why?

Japanese scientists conducted a recent study on the subject, and found that dry soups are not usefulas they contain a lot of salt. One serving of soup has half the daily norm for an adult to consume salt. Japanese scientists, and not only them, are adamant that excessive consumption of sodium chloride doubles the likelihood of developing stomach cancer.

The study of scientists from Japan was conducted for 11 years. During this period, they observed the eating habits of 40,000 people in the country. The results showed that among men who prefer salty foods, one in every 500 is at risk. The malignant disease, one of the most common, kills about 1 million people a year on the planet, second only to lung cancer.

So the option to eat fast and between your commitments during the day, soup dissolved in hot water, is not very good, and most of all - not useful! That's why we advise you - make homemade soup at home - it's tastier, it turns out, and healthier. This allows you to adjust the amount of salt you add. You can even use Himalayan salt to make sure you avoid the risk of cardiovascular disease and more.
