The Best Appetizers For Brandy

The Best Appetizers For Brandy
The Best Appetizers For Brandy

The drink that is most often present in the home of the Bulgarian is brandy. Homemade or kupeshka, as we usually say, it is a preferred aperitif in the Balkans. In our latitudes, it is most often prepared from plums, apricots or grapes. With various additives we can make gyul, herbal, walnut, honey, cherry or aniseed brandy. Additives for these flavors are: roses, herbs, honey, cherries and anise. Heated brandy is not only an aperitif but also a very good remedy for colds.

Heated in winter and cold in summer, hot or sweet, we always drink brandy with an appetizer.

We have gathered for you the best appetizers for brandy:

Shopska salad
Shopska salad

1. Of course, the first thing that came to mind was the most famous - ours Shopska salad. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, shredded or grated cheese, roasted or raw peppers with parsley, is available absolutely everywhere. It is most consumed in the summer.


2. The next appetizer, which is also considered an aphrodisiac because of the lettuce in it is lettuce. With or without tuna, the obligatory ingredients - lettuce, radishes, green onions, olives and cucumber accompany our brandy mostly in the spring.

Snow White Salad
Snow White Salad

3. Snow White Salad


It is very suitable for aniseed brandy, and has an analogue in Greece under the name Zaziki. For Snow White you need finely chopped cucumbers, rind, yogurt, garlic and dill, walnuts if desired. As you can guess it is very consumed in winter.

4. Pickles

In the cold evenings, a heated brandy with pickles or sauerkraut is an irresistible combination. In winter, all salads and pickles from a can or jar are preferred. Bean winter salad is a very good appetizer for brandy.

5. Last but not least, we will mention the thinly sliced and grilled, crispy bacon. As soon as we mentioned the bacon, we have to leave room for the pastrami, sazdarma and sausage.
