Mandatory Food For Everyone Who Lives In Sofia

Mandatory Food For Everyone Who Lives In Sofia
Mandatory Food For Everyone Who Lives In Sofia

If you feel happy citizens of Sofia and proudly poke your breasts, calling everyone living outside Sofia by the collective name of provincialists, then get down immediately, as they say. Because Sofia is the city with the dirtiest air and is the capital of our country, which, in turn, is in the top 5 countries with the dirtiest air in Europe.

By filthy air it is "surpassed" only by Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Macedonia and Kosovo. Yes, sad news, but it shows the measurements of the purity of the air, even before the heating season had started in full force.

Dirty air in Sofia
Dirty air in Sofia

So that you can somehow to protect your lungs, it is imperative not only to stay away from the points with the dirtiest air, which you can track daily both on the official website of Sofia Municipality and on (the information is quite reliable because it is monitored by over 200 measuring points), but also to forget about smoking, as well as about the establishments where you become a passive smoker.

So far, everything seems quite logical, but you may not know that there is certain foodswhich contribute to the proper functioning of our lungs. selected a short list of the obligatory foods for every citizen of Sofia.

1. Leafy vegetables

They are very rich in antioxidants, but due to the risk of nitrates, it is mandatory to soak them in water for about 30 minutes before consuming them. Emphasize only seasonal leafy vegetables and even better if they are organic.

2. Cruciferous vegetables

Food for the people of Sofia
Food for the people of Sofia

These include beets, turnips, cauliflower, broccoli and more. For their regular consumption there are even claims that they protect our body from cancer.

3. Omega 3 fatty acids

You will immediately decide that we are talking only about the expensive salmon, which is really rich in omega 3 fatty acids, but no less rich in this valuable ingredient are common mackerel, rainbow trout and others. If you don't like fish at all, then "bet" on nuts and eggs - also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Ginger

We should no longer perceive it as too exotic, because you can get it even in the form of a root, and not as a dry spice. And if we do not pay attention in this case to the teacher Peter Deunov, who says that everyone should eat local products, then learn to include it regularly in your ginger menu. It is even suitable for seasoning salads.

4. Garlic

Garlic is one of the mandatory foods for the people of Sofia
Garlic is one of the mandatory foods for the people of Sofia

This natural antibiotic is extremely beneficial for the proper functioning of our lungs and although it does not "sound" as exotic to us as ginger, do not underestimate it at all.

The more of the above foods you include in your daily menu, the better health your lungs will "enjoy".
