Apricot Kernels - Medicine And Food

Apricot Kernels - Medicine And Food
Apricot Kernels - Medicine And Food

Like most nuts and seeds, apricot kernels are a very nutritious food. Among the nutrients they contain is amygdalin, also known as vitamin B17. It attacks cancer cells and thus can help prevent cancer in our bodies.

Amygdalin (vitamin B17) is found in hundreds of foods, but those that are particularly rich in amygdalin have largely disappeared from our diet. People around the world who still follow the traditional diet have been largely protected from cancer. These diets are rich in foods containing amygdalin.

Apart from apricot kernels, examples of other foods rich in amygdalin are bitter almonds (amygdalin has a bitter taste - sweet almonds do not contain it and apricot kernels, which are not bitter, do not contain it either). Other foods containing amygdalin include apple seeds, grape seeds, millet, beans, most fruits, and many other nuts or seeds, such as beans, legumes, and grains, but not those that have been highly hybrid.

There are many ways you can fight cancer. One of them is building a very strong immune system. The other is to consume a lot of antioxidants to fight carcinogens in the body. However, amygdalin appears to be unique in the way it directly attacks cancer cells.

Amygdalin was first extracted and named more than a hundred years ago, and has been listed in pharmacological dictionaries since then as non-toxic. However, it contains poison locked in it - one of its ingredients is cyanide. But, locked in a compound with amygdalin, it is chemically inert and harmless to normal tissue.


Similarly, table salt (sodium chloride) is safe to eat and is actually needed by the body. But it also contains a poison - chlorine. This is true for any substance, and will also apply to apricot kernels. However, amygdalin is less toxic than salt, and less toxic than sugar.

We have said that there are cancer cells in our bodies all the time. Usually the immune system can handle them. However, during stress or in a particularly vulnerable part of the body, or more extreme or regular exposure to carcinogens, it helps proliferate cancer cells, and at this point the immune system cannot deal with them. Amygdalin comes with the immune system and attacks cancer cells directly.

Cancer cells have an enzyme in them that unlocks the poison in amygdalin, and thus cancer cells are destroyed. Normal, healthy cells do not have this enzyme. In fact, they have different enzymes that unlock amygdalin in different ways and release nutrients from it, as well as a neutralizing agent.

Apricot kernels should be chewed with food or fruit juice, and only five or six at a time (within an hour). Also keep in mind that apricot kernels can lower blood pressure.
