About Gluten In Einkorn - What We Need To Know?

About Gluten In Einkorn - What We Need To Know?
About Gluten In Einkorn - What We Need To Know?

We often hear the question: Is einkorn gluten free?? If you have a confirmed allergy to gluten, you should avoid einkorn, just as you would avoid eating wheat and rye. However, if you do not have allergies, but still, when you consume wheat, your body reacts in some way, einkorn may be the right grain for you.

Here are a few things about gluten in einkorn and what we need to know about this cereal:

The oldest grain

Considered to be the oldest grain known in the history of agriculture, einkorn offers a variety of essential nutrients and a rich gluten content. This grain once grew wild all over the world, but like many other cereals, it has been uprooted after farmers have grown modern crops and easier-to-harvest varieties. Yet this ancient grain is valued for its nutrients and lower gluten levels.

Gluten in einkorn

There are key differences in the gluten components of einkorn, which is why some people who react to gluten in wheat tolerate it better. Einkorn has "minimal" levels of Omega gliadins compared to wheat and does not contain strong antigenic Omega-5 gliadins. It has half as much gluten as regular wheat flour. The higher gluten content in wheat is cultivated to facilitate industrial processing and help maintain the elasticity and strength of the dough.

Benefits of einkorn

Gluten in einkorn
Gluten in einkorn

Einkorn is much more difficult to process than wheat. Requires peeling and degreasing. However, the health benefits are worth the effort. People with a number of health problems, including digestive problems, arthritis, migraines, skin irritations, irritable bowel syndrome, and others, report feeling better when they eat einkorn rather than common wheat. As einkorn contains gluten, is not suitable for people with celiac disease.

Helps digest gluten

Einkorn has a wider range of nutrients than other members of the wheat family, with higher levels of protein, fiber, manganese, niacin, thiamine and vitamin B2. The high level of fiber in einkorn helps reduce levels of lipoproteins, "bad" cholesterol and helps digest gluten.

Wheat substitute

Gluten free
Gluten free

Einkorn is an ideal substitute for wheat products that contain more gluten, such as pasta, bread and beer. A significant number of people experience an adverse reaction to gluten, which means that they must adhere to a gluten-free diet to avoid negative effects.

If you want to reduce your intake of gluten-free foods, you can safely turn to einkorn. Kneading einkorn bread is much easier than kneading wheat, as it does not require fermentation.

And if you think that einkorn is your friend, then try one of our delicious recipes for einkorn pancakes or einkorn bites.
