Daily Habits With Which Health Collapses

Daily Habits With Which Health Collapses
Daily Habits With Which Health Collapses

Have you ever wondered if you have acquired some? daily habits that harm your health. Because for some you may suspect or even be fully aware, but for others you may not assume that they may harm you. Here is the most important thing.

1. Smoking

But, please, it is not even fashionable anymore, and so much has been written about the harm of cigarettes that it would be inappropriate to repeat. But when it comes to daily smoking, and not just "lighting" one or another cigarette during a crazy party, you are not only damaging your lungs, your heart and greatly increasing your risk of cancer, but also your skin. nails and even your hair. No one is currently judging you if you are a smoker and find it difficult to quit, but we are convinced that the time has really come to try to deal with this "vice".

2. Alcohol

Daily habits with which health collapses
Daily habits with which health collapses

There is nothing wrong with drinking a glass of beer or wine at lunch or dinner. According to some studies, this is even useful, at least because it has a calming effect on our emotional state. But if you systematically overdo it with alcohol and drink 3-4 glasses or more every day, it is guaranteed to lead to health problems, and in the first place it will "take away" your liver.

3. Unhealthy eating

It has many aspects. It's not just about whether you eat irregularly or overeat. They are both harmful. But it is extremely important for your health what you consume and whether the food itself is quality. The easiest way when choosing food to consume is to get acquainted with the so-called. food pyramid. Most nutritionists believe that it is the key to a healthy diet. Adjust the amount of food to your weight, age, daily activity and health.

4. Too little movement

Daily habits with which health collapses
Daily habits with which health collapses

Not everyone has the time or desire to exercise, but you can always spend at least 10 minutes a day to stay not only in shape but also to support your health. This is achieved even through the simplest "physical exercise" of our childhood. But you can also dance, walk, etc.

5. Wear high heels every day

Yes, women's legs look more elegant on heels, but do not overdo their height, especially if you have to wear them every day. This will lead to pain in the spine, deformity of the fingers and even arthritis. The maximum allowable height of the heels is not more than 4-5 cm.
