Growing Lettuce

Growing Lettuce
Growing Lettuce

Beets is a root crop and biennial plant, forming roots in the first year and a flowering stem in the second.

Red beets can survive frost (if in the ground up to -4 degrees Celsius, and if removed from the soil - up to -2 degrees Celsius), which makes them a great choice for growing in the north.

Planting red beets

The best soil has a pH between 6.0 and 7.0, but slightly alkaline soils are preferred in some areas. It is good if before planting the soil is enriched with old manure. It is rich in phosphorus and helps to easily germinate and nourish root vegetables. For early cultivation of lettuce beet is preferred warm clay-sandy soil.

Growing lettuce
Growing lettuce

The seeds germinate at a temperature of 5-6 degrees. Make sure the soil remains moist for germination. It is good to water often and keep the soil moist. In low humidity areas, soak the seeds for 24 hours.

Seeds are placed at a depth of 2-3 cm and 3-4 cm at a distance from each other.

Growing lettuce
Growing lettuce

Early crops can be planted in March / April, and late crops - at any time from June to September. Consecutive plantings are also possible as long as the weather does not exceed 24 ° C.

Thinning is necessary because you can get more than one seedling from each seed. Thinning is done when the plant has 3-4 leaves. Dilute to a distance of 10-12 cm from each other.

Pulling them out of the ground can damage the roots of nearby seedlings - be careful. Any necessary cultivation should be gentle, beets have shallow roots that are easily broken.

Salad beet storage

Growing lettuce
Growing lettuce

Beets can be harvested between 50 and 70 days after germination in most varieties, although they can be harvested at any time you deem appropriate. The late beet salad is taken out at the latest when temperatures become -2, -3 degrees (late October). Once removed from the soil, it is cleaned of soil and the leaves are pruned, leaving 1 cm from the root.

Fresh beets can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. Cutting the tops of the beets will keep them fresher for longer. They can be stored in an unheated closet or leave them cool in the basement.
