Delicious Recipes For Homemade Chocolate

Delicious Recipes For Homemade Chocolate
Delicious Recipes For Homemade Chocolate

In the past, homemade chocolate recipes were very popular and widely used. Today, industrialization has sent them into oblivion. However, connoisseurs know that homemade chocolate is always more appetizing than store-bought. Its preparation does not require much effort, so in the process you can include children - the biggest fans of this temptation.

Homemade liquid chocolate is a suitable solution both for dessert and as a wonderful addition to a cake or cake. Whatever the occasion, loved ones will surely appreciate it. Here's how to make it:

Homemade liquid chocolate

Necessary products: 250 g powdered milk, 1 tsp. sugar, 100 g butter, 4 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa.


Preparation: Pour the milk powder into a bowl and add the cocoa. Mix well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Pour a tea cup of water and sugar into the pot. Put on the stove over low heat. When the sugar has melted, add the butter, then mix well. Can be flavored with vanilla.

Once the butter has melted, remove the pan from the heat. Add powdered milk and cocoa. Mix thoroughly, preferably with a wire for understanding. To make it even better, strain the liquid chocolate through a strainer to remove all the little lumps and make it fine and tender.

Organic homemade chocolate

Chocolate spread
Chocolate spread

Ingredients: cocoa butter, raw cocoa powder, cold pressed coconut oil, honey (or maple syrup), nuts, dried fruits, citrus peels, vanilla bean seeds, amaranth, fresh mint leaves or cayenne pepper.

Method of preparation: 50 g of cocoa butter is melted in a water bath in a large bowl with hot water. After about 10 minutes, when completely melted, add 2 tbsp. of raw cocoa powder. Stir vigorously.

If desired, maple syrup or honey can be added for more sweetness. Add nuts, fruits, peels or other stuffing.

The resulting chocolate mixture is poured on a smooth surface, covered with plastic wrap. Leave for about 20 minutes in the refrigerator to harden. Another option is to pour the mixture into available molds.
