This Is The Perfect Appetizer For Beer! You Will Be Surprised

This Is The Perfect Appetizer For Beer! You Will Be Surprised
This Is The Perfect Appetizer For Beer! You Will Be Surprised

Forget about fries, nuts, chips and grill in addition to ice-cold beer. A team of scientists from the United States and Western Europe have found an even more perfect appetizer for the sparkling drink.

To enhance and emphasize the specific taste of beer, scientists have used foods of different types - fried and salty. Various spices were added to the beer, but it turned out that the combination was not very successful.

To the surprise of scientists, it turned out that beer combines best with the sour-salty taste of pickles, and to feel the best combination, you should alternate a sip of beer with a bite of cucumbers.

This combination is also welcomed by dieticians, as it is much healthier than heavy barbecues and snacks.

Beer appetizer
Beer appetizer

You can also feel the combination of flavors by putting two slices of pickle in your beer glass. Beer fans compare this combination to Bloody Mary.

Because both beer and pickles are fermented, obviously this contributes to the harmonious combination of flavors without any of them dominating.

Experts also say that when you drink, you feel as many nuances as possible - the bitterness of the beer, the sour note of cucumber and a slight sweetness at the end.

But if you still want to diversify this perfect combination, you can also drink your beer with pickles. As an appetizer, pickles are defined as an absolute delicacy, and the advantage is that you can find it in your grandmother's basement and you will not have to spend money.


Photo: Elena Stefanova Yordanova

If you decide to experiment with appetizers, try them with light beer, scientists say. It is lighter and tolerates all combinations.
