Honey Water: Elixir Against Toxins And Viruses

Honey Water: Elixir Against Toxins And Viruses
Honey Water: Elixir Against Toxins And Viruses

What is the therapeutic effect of honey water, why it is better to take on an empty stomach and what are the contraindications?

Honey itself is a very healthy product.

It has benefits for the body, regardless of when and with what you take it, as long as there are no explicit contraindications to the individual state of your body.

Dissolved in water and taken on an empty stomach, honey is absorbed faster and easier and manages to nourish each cell with useful trace elements.

Remember that honey is rich in vitamins and elements such as boron, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, B vitamins, vitamins C, E, A, PP, H, as well as amino acids, enzymes and more.

Honey is an excellent substitute for sugar, as it is already a processed product that is easily digested and is not deposited as excess fat, even if you take a little more of it.

Benefits of copper water

Benefits of honey water
Benefits of honey water

In this line of thought, here they are the benefits of honey water for the body.

- strengthens the immune system;

- speeds up metabolism;

- normalizes blood pressure;

- cleanses the intestines of toxins;

- relieves headaches;

- improves heart function, strengthens blood vessels;

- favors the respiratory system;

- removes heartburn and flatulence;

- improves the condition of the skin and hair;

Furthermore the intake of honey water in the morning it will replenish the glycogen stores consumed at night and will quickly saturate the body with energy.

It has also been proven that this drink relieves symptoms and accelerates recovery from cystitis, bronchitis, asthma, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids. It also helps to lose weight.

Contraindications to honey water

Contraindications to honey water
Contraindications to honey water

In addition to allergies to honey, its intake is not recommended, especially on an empty stomach, in the following diseases:

- ulcer and acute gastritis;

- heart or kidney failure;

- rheumatism;

- diabetes.

It is not recommended to give honey in any form to a child under 2 years.

How to take water with honey

Honey water fights viruses and is prepared immediately before use.

Stir in a glass of water at room temperature an equal tablespoon of natural honey. Drink on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.

Do not mix natural honey with hot water!

At 70 degrees or more, it begins to decompose and oxidize. And not only are its benefits lost, but harmful substances are also produced.

It is recommended to have breakfast after 30-40 minutes. Fresh water will dramatically raise blood sugar, after which the latter will fall sharply and you will begin to feel hungry.

If you do not eat, drowsiness and weakness will appear, so keep this last piece of advice in mind.
