Spring Cleaning With Zeolite - Better Than Anything You've Heard Of

Spring Cleaning With Zeolite - Better Than Anything You've Heard Of
Spring Cleaning With Zeolite - Better Than Anything You've Heard Of

The zeolite - Rhodope magic mineral is the best way to cleanse the body in the spring. You can start it immediately by adding the mineral to your morning ritual.

Every morning everyone should drink a glass of water with lemon. To start the spring cleaning, dissolve the micronized powder in it. With the same success you can add it to fresh fruit juice. For optimal effect you should take it between 30 and 40 days.

Spring is a season that sets a new beginning. Everything starts to bloom and wake up. This applies to both nature and our body, which is exhausted from the lack of sunlight during the cold winter days. And since spring is a season of obsessive fatigue and allergies, the body inevitably needs a complete detox. Here comes to the rescue zeolite clinoptilolite.

Zeolites are natural minerals that are widely found in the Rhodopes. It is in Bulgaria that the largest deposits of this mineral with a unique crystal structure are found. A variety of studies have proven the benefits of detoxification with clinoptilolite. It balances the pH in the body and restores mineral balance.


The intake of zeolite has a beneficial effect on the digestive and excretory system. At the same time significantly enhances immunity. The most important function, however, is that it completely clears toxins and free radicals. The mineral removes heavy metals from the body, resulting in a lot of weight loss and a healthier body.

The detoxifying action of zeolite is the result of its negative charge. Toxins and heavy metals are positively charged. This makes them easily attracted to the negative mineral charge, which quickly removes them from the body. The zeolite excretes them in the urine.

One of the interesting facts about zeolite is that it absorbs radiation. After the Chernobyl accident, tons of the mineral were scattered in the area to absorb radiation.


Clinoptilolite works best on the body when taken internally in the form of micronized powder. To do this, add it to a glass of warm water with lemon for breakfast or fresh juice. If you want the optimal effect, you will also need to use the material to structure the water. This is done with finely crushed stones of the mineral. Water intake during cleansing should be about 2 liters per day.

For zeolite to work, it must be 100% natural. Use only high quality micronized zeolite clinoptilolite when making zeolite water. It is especially important that the material has gone through several stages of activation, which guarantees its maximum health effect.

See also spring diet and detox smoothies.
