8 Vegetables You've Never Heard Of

8 Vegetables You've Never Heard Of
8 Vegetables You've Never Heard Of

You think you don't like eating vegetables. Maybe your options are just limited. The truth is that the world is full of nutritious, healthy and fragrant roots, stems and leaves, most of which you have probably never tried.

In the spirit of culinary adventures, this list will invite you to something new, if you can find it at all.

Goat's beard
Goat's beard

Goat's beard - often associated with sunflower, the most edible of this plant are the roots. Goat's beard is a historically popular food crop throughout Europe and the Middle East, and is also believed to have healing properties.

Celery with large heads - Although popular in Europe, this vegetable is difficult to grow in the United States. This root is a good alternative to potatoes in the winter months and is an excellent source of dietary fiber. It should also be noted that celery is among the root vegetables containing little starch.

Chinese broccoli
Chinese broccoli

Kai-Lan - sometimes called "Chinese broccoli". The leaves of this plant are a delicious addition to any salad. It can be added to any meal that might otherwise include broccoli.

Sea fennel
Sea fennel

Sea fennel - Sometimes called "sea asparagus", sea dill is an extremely healthy vegetable. Grows in rocky areas near the ocean. Therefore, sea fennel is an ideal plant addition to all fish dishes.


Alabash - A relative of wild cabbage, this unique-looking vegetable is considered one of the 150 healthiest foods on Earth. It is most commonly consumed in India and is a staple food in Kashmir. Almost everything on this plant is edible. In our country alabash is not so common.


Nopales - These delicious vegetables are children of a certain type of cactus. Juicy meat is edible after the thorns are carefully peeled off. Nopales is an extremely popular vegetable in Mexico.

Cassava - Cassava roots are a starchy vegetable originally found throughout South America. The harvest is an extremely important source of carbohydrates in the developing world. It is especially valuable because of its drought resistance - an unusual feature of a culture that is native to tropical and subtropical areas.


Despite its widespread use, cassava is rare in supermarkets in North America, much less in our country. One of the reasons for this is that when improperly prepared, it releases toxic substances.

Snake pods
Snake pods

Dulce - These algae, most often found attached to the shoreline, are surprisingly tasty and useful vegetables. This "vegetable of the sea" is used to prepare everything - soup to casserole. Dulce is a rich source of vitamin B and fiber and is a good source of plant protein.

Snake pods - These green bean pods are native to Southeast Asia. They are the perfect addition to any fried dish, as they themselves are very tasty fried. What really sets them apart from the harvest is how fast they grow.

Snake pods are also known as Chinese long beans. You can prepare them like most other bean pods. They are a great source of fiber and vitamins C and A.
