At Least 1 Serving Of Fish A Day To Beat Depression

At Least 1 Serving Of Fish A Day To Beat Depression
At Least 1 Serving Of Fish A Day To Beat Depression

We do not need to convince you that regular consumption of fish brings great benefits to your health. But to feel the real benefits of it, you should consume fish and fish products not once a week, as recommended, but every day.

According to a study by British scientists, quoted by the British publication The Telegraph, one serving of fish a day protects against depression.

Scientists from the Island have conducted a large-scale study, including information on the diet of more than 150,000 people.

They found that those whose diets were high in fish had a nearly 17 percent lower risk of developing depression.

Fish in Dough
Fish in Dough

Another interesting fact is that in men the percentage by which the risk decreases is even higher - 20 percent.

The study by British scientists is extremely important because, according to statistics, approximately one in five people in the UK suffers from depression.

The risk of developing depression is even higher in people who have separated from their partners or are divorced. Nearly 27 percent of people in this group show signs of the disease.

But why can regular consumption of fish prevent the first symptoms of depression, which becomes a scourge for modern people?

According to scientists, omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in large quantities in fish products and fish, directly affect the production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

Roasted Fish
Roasted Fish

They are directly related to the feeling of happiness and their insufficient amount often causes depression and depression.

In addition, fish is rich in high quality protein, contains many vitamins and minerals, which also have a beneficial effect on human health.

Since the researchers' studies were conducted on the basis of analysis of observational data, ie. they did not determine how many fish to eat and when, the exact causal link between reducing the risk of developing depression and eating fish could not be established.

In addition, they did not have accurate information on the species of fish consumed by the study participants to determine whether the relationship between fish consumption and the development of depression varied according to its species.
